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Thursday, November 8, 2012

movements & measures - One Year Later.

movements & measures
ISBN: (ePub) 978-14524-6192-2
Publisher: Zero Edition Press

Release Date: November 08, 2011

One year ago, Zero Edition Press, an experimental self-publishing co-operative I started with Ben Bowlin, released my first collection of poetry as a digital chapbook distributed by

To celebrate the one year anniversary of that release, Zero Edition Press, is once again offering a Smashwords coupon code that'll allow you to download your own copy of movements & measures for only $0.99 USD.

Go to the movements & measures page at Smashwords by clicking here and enter the coupon code:  AZ36Z  at check out. If you don't already have a Smashwords account, you will need to create one. It's ease and free and will give you access to books by thousands of independent writers and publishers. Even if you don't buy my book please, please, please show your support for the literary endeavors of great artists who you'd otherwise never hear about because the big publishers see them or their books as unmarketable, i.e., it's not Twilight or 50 Shades.

I want to take this time to, once again, thank all my fans and followers, my family and friends for all the love and support. You guys are wonderful and I wouldn't be able to do this with you. An especially heart-felt thank you goes out to my wonderful wife for putting up with me and my addiction to writing.

Thank you. Thank You. Thank You.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections 2012

**** 1:15 am — I'm typing this late at night so I will edit in the morning and add my usual back-links and sources. Sorry.

**** 11:00 am — UPDATED. Changes in italics.

As I type this, I flip between CNN and my local NBC affiliate here in Atlanta. I sit up in bed, writing and sipping pinot grigio left over from my wending while my very tolerant wife tries to sleep through the cacophony of election news and typing keys. The news stations, including Fox, are calling it an Obama victory while the GOP and Romney camps promise to hold out until all votes are counted or at least until Romney finishes writing a concession speech. The celebration at Obama headquarters just went from jubilation to frustrated anticipation over what they feel is a done deal.

[Image Source:]

Everyone is in post-election analysis mode. It can even be said that GOP leaders, Speaker of the House John Boehner [R-OH] in particular, have been in this mode way earlier tonight before the the first poll closed. Expecting an Obama victory from the get-go and promising that the GOP positions on key issues have not change and that a contentious battle over EVERYTHING is sure to follow.

It's been a long two years—four if you count the conservatives' initial response to President Obama's 2008 win. It's been a disappointingly negative campaign from all sides and most of the people I know were so burnt out by election news that some didn't even care to vote. 

There has been a lot of winners and losers in this election cycle outside the political sphere, one of which is social media. Social media exploded exponentially into the spotlight with the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movements last year, but this election proves that America is not immune to a cultural shift towards social media as legitimate, real time news source. News anchors and correspondents like Cooper Anderson [1][2] and Jamie Dupree along with others have used Twitter and Facebook to give their audience real time information.

One of the biggest news in social media this year involves voter registration via Facebook [3] and the debate over whether actual voting through social media was possible or even a smart idea. I foresee this debate and the innovations being an even bigger part of the political landscape four years from now—heck!—two years from now during the next midterm elections if you are being realistic. We probably won't even have to "wait and see" how social media has and will affect future politics.

Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate (yes there was a third party this year!) has, knowing that his chance of winning was nonexistent, already promised to keep himself and the Libertarian Party's cause in the spotlight through aggressive social media campaigns. [4]

But for now as I watch Romney's concession speech, I know in the morning I will wake to the same business as usual with an incumbent President returning to office with the same Congressional makeup. So hopeful—and can only hope—all involve will just shut up, especially on social media, and just get back to work.

Good night for now. Here's Romney's speech.


****UPDATE ****
Good Morning! Welp, I went to bed just as Obama walked on stage to give his victory speech. I skipped it because by that point last night I was falling asleep as I typed. In cased you missed it too, here's the video of the speech:


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post-Halloween Short-list

Now that Halloween 2012 has come and gone, it's time to get busy planning for Thanksgiving, Chrismahanakwanzika, and 2013! According to Wal-Mart's store displays, I should have started my holiday planning the day after Labor Day.

Well! I say *poop* to that!

In honor of one of my favorite excuses to wear costumes in public, I am fighting back and extending the spooks and chills to—AT LEAST!—the end of the year with some horror-themed mass media. Here is my short-list of post-Halloween must-do's. Join me, maybe?